Niyika Sol, owner ^^^
Perfectly Ordinary Courier Company
Nothing odd about us!
Valid addresses required (no over the rainbow crap)
Foodstuffs and beverages are renowned for percentile losses in transit. Please account for our staff sampling goods. For safety, obviously.
Complaints can be delivered to the nearest drain or gutter. Our couriers are all capable of self defence, but this does not extend to confronting and bandits/dragons/slimy things in battle
Fed up of chocobos eating your oats? Goods too heavy for an airship? Rightly believe seagoing vessels to be an unnatural affront to the gods? Our Perfectly Ordinary Couriers are your answer! any goods, any time, any place, our expert (but still Perfectly Ordinary) couriers will pick up and deliver your goods. Need them to negotiate the sale at the other end? We do that too!
^^^ Delivered Cargo!!!
Write your courier requests here:
Next time you're in Ul'dah can drop off a parcel for me? Not a contract, just I have a small crate of ore that needs delivered.
No!!! No pro bono jobs!
Hah, bono jobs.
When you say no drugs... what if I don't tell you they're drugs?
You just did, idiot!
If bees (plural) is the problem, can I get you to ship them one by one?
Get lost. I hate you and your bloody bees!
That stings
My husband isn't dead yet, but he's right on the edge. I definitely wouldn't call him living, not since the honeymoon. Can you ship him? I don't care where.
No living! no dead! no soon to be dead! No soon to be living! No living dead, no dying living, and most of all, no vague destinations!
I have a large bag of flour to deliver to Limsa Lominsa within the week. Can you do it?
Finally, a sensible request! Meet you at the flier tomorrow at noon?
Actually, the dark alley near here is fine. And can you go a route that doesn't pass any yellowjackets? And while I'm at it, don't sniff the flour.
Fine! Though why would I sniff the flour? I'd sneeze! Do I seem that stupid to you?
We do not ship:
Excessively heavy goods
Anything requiring sea travel
Goods which mysteriously squeaks/shakes/moves/talks
Drugs and illegal substances
Living people (or dead people!!!)
Why the bees? Seriously! You people are animals!!!
Niyika Sol
Senior Chief Courier
Deliveries are our most important role, so naturally we only hire highly trained, experienced, Perfectly Ordinary people to perform our deliveries. Our Senior Chief Courier is the prime example of this. Courier Sol has retained our coveted employee of the month badge ever since POCC's founding, and thanks to her large and not impractical axe, is a fearsome protector of all things cargo!
Niyika Sol
Chief Marketting and Sales Manager
Where would our highly trained couriers go without courirering jobs contracts? What would they carry with them? Nobody knows! That's why our highly dedicated staff includes Ms Sol, winner of the POCC Medal for Excellence, to ensure orders are accepted and go to the right place in a timely, and more importantly, Perfectly Ordinary fashion! Drop in to our office to schedule a delivery
Scribble your details here. Neatly! I only have so many fliers
Junior Apprentice Courier (temp)
Looking for a bit of excitement in your life? Interested in the fastest growing industry in Eorzea (obviously excluding gravedigging for adventurers)? Join POCC today, for the opportunity to see the world while burdened by heavy barrels and crates. Not convinced yet? Check out the perks! [insert list here]
Friendly and inspiring boss
Excellent pay (pending successful internship completion)
socksfootwear comfort enhancers after your twentieth delivery
Put one of those pictures here. Try to capture my professionalism, and don't you dare screw this up or I swear to all the Gods I will ram that fuzzy tail up your nose and out the other nostril. Oh, and don't use the picture with my eyes closed.
Worst printing company ever!!! I expect a full refund and free replacements. I can't use this junk!!!
And while you're at it, sort out the main picture. My legs are missing!!! Who is going to hire a courier without legs?
OOC Details
If you were looking to book a courier, I'm afraid you slipped through a hole in reality, sorry! This page is for OOC information!
Boring Details
New player! (kind of)
EU player (Available roughly 8pm to midnight GMT)
Server Visiting Balmung (or Mateus) from
CorelCoeirl? The kitty serverDiscord is: Niyika#2276
Roleplay details
RP style: light hearted, heavy roleplay (I take my silliness seriously!).
Lore knowledge: Marginal, but I'm working on it. For the time being, assume Niyika has far more important things to do than worry about the thaumaturgic ramifications of Aetheryte-based telekinetic weaponry. If that's even a thing!
Relationships: Maybe once I've settled in a bit!
ERP: As above, and Niyika's work comes first!
Roleplay hooks
Need something delivered?
Curious why that woman is shouting at pigeons?
Maybe a travel partner to pass through dangerous(ish) lands?
Need a drug mule?
Just feel like pranking the poor, long suffering courier?
That woman sure is drinking heavily. She would definitely appreciate being told as much.

The Golden Mirror
Niyika took several deep, steadying breaths before stepping up to ring the doorbell of Ponderance House. The door opened instantly. Not after a few moments, not after the towering butler within crossed the lobby to stand by the door. Instantly. Between knock one and knock two, which was never to be, but still left Niyika offbalance on the doorstep, in front of the immaculately dressed hyur. Which wasn’t fair, because evidently he hadn’t had to cross the path of a mob of confetti tossing miqote that morning. She opened her mouth.
“The servants’ door is around the corner. Good day.” The door closed.
A minute later, Niyika rapped firmly on the servants’ door. This time, there was time for brisk footsteps from within, and an elegant Elezan maid answered and studied the pile of fecal matter left on the doorstep. Well, she studied Niyika, but the expression was the same.
“Young lady, you have confetti in your hair.”
“Good day, my name is Niyika, of the—“
“The Perfectly Ordinary Courier Company, yes, I recall. You have performed inadequate services for Ponderance House in the past.”
Inadequate?! “I believe I delivered the Panorama of Eternity quite promptly, if you recall,” Niyika retorted.
“It was in two pieces.”
“It was in one piece with some brand new, shiny hinges which I didn’t charge extra for.” It had been a very expensive repair too. Who would have anticipated a chocobo race would take place right when she was carting it across the street?
“What do you want?” asked the Elezen, at the end of her patience.
“I have an item of interest for Lord Nanar Cici.” Niyika reached into the messenger bag and rummaged, and ended up with sticky hands. Not the honey jar for Lady Ferina…
“Any items of interest from you can be assessed at the servants door,” said the maid, primly.
“But this is—“
“The lesser servants’ door. It’s around by the stables. Good day.” The door slammed shut.
Niyika rapped on the ‘lesser’ servants’ door, which really just seemed to be the kitchen door. Nobody answered. Well, not to her, anyway. There was screaming within, something about the live lobsters not being live, or the dead lobsters being live after all. Either way, she opened the door and nearly trod on something which looked alarmingly like a fingertip, before it was scooped up by a bawling Roe in a chef’s hat. “Hello, is anyone able to assess an item of interest?” she asked, plaintively.
“Psst, here!”
“Where?” Niyika huffed, looking around and seeing only the rampaging chefs, and the white robes of a doctor trying to chase down the inexplicably fleeing Roe chef. A hand grabbed her ankle and she yelped, stumbling away from her assailant. It was only a Lalafel woman, hidden on the bottom shelf of a serving trolley. “What are you doing in—oh, I see.”
It was a tight squeeze for two, but Niyika ended up nose to nose with the skiving chef, who offered some suspiciously alcoholic smelling raisins to Niyika, who of course snacked on a handful, and whispered, “You mentioned one of the Lords items of interest? You have confetti in your hair, by the way.”
“Oh, yes. One moment.” She rummaged through the bag. It wasn’t her fault the Roe was running about, and the doctor was running about, and the trolley was such a tight fit that her elbow stuck out the side, and that the Roe tripped over her elbow and crashed to the ground, and that the doctor tripped over the Roe and, well, crashed to the Roe, and a call went out for the doctor’s assistant to attend with haste. She was just retrieving the mirror.
It was a beautiful device, if you didn’t include the severe looking woman glaring into the middle of it with half her face painted a precise matt white. It was gold inlaid with pearls, and further studded with rubies, with intricate scrollwork tracing around the reflective oval in the middle. The handle even felt expensive, like if you held it for long enough a banker would pop up and remind you that you seem to have forgotten about the secondary vault they opened for your extra gil.
“That is a real pretty thing isn’t it?” The lalafel murmured in wonder, and when she reached for the mirror, Niyika let her take it to examine. After all, if she tried to steal it, she could always punt her across the kitchen. “Beautiful. Yes, this is definitely an item of interest. I should fetch Miss Thalla so she can fetch the Head Butler.”
Not Miss Thalla. Not the Head Butler, again. “Well, you could just take me yourself,” Niyika mused, hopefully.
Avarice shone in the little woman’s eyes. “Why yes… yes! Why should anyone else get credit for my hard work? Come on, come on.” She skipped out from the trolley, and was practically out of the room by the time Niyika unfolded her stiff body and straightened up. And stopped fuming about who had done the hard work. Why, she had… not adventured, never adventured, but been adventurer adjacent in a very scary ruin for quite some considerable time to get the damned mirror!
She caught up to the stubby legged woman before they left the servants wing, and stepped into Ponderance House proper. She counted six Niyikas in the narrow corridor that led to the servants wing, that no noble would ever traverse or simply die of the shame of it, twelve Niyikas in the connecting hallway which overlooked the atrium on one side, and lost count in the next room, where there were Niyikas off to infinity on either side, and freestanding Niyikas cluttering the middle of the room, and a giant Niyika astride the left wall, and an upside down Niyika on the right wall. The excessive number of Niyikas was of course down to the excessive number of mirrors adorning every surface in Ponderance House. No wonder all the Niyikas looked so incredibly tense.
“Lord Nanar Cici’s study is at the end of this corridor. Oh, and if you spot a mirror you might want to sort your hair, you still have confetti in it,” said the lalafel woman.
A couple of long suffering sighs later and they were admitted into the Lord’s study. Eight Lord Nanar Cici’s were facing off together in the middle of the room, each stood before an octagonally shaped desk, each lost in each other’s eyes. “Lord Cici?” Niyika eventually asked. He didn’t notice.
“Use your mirror!” suggested the little chef, finally offering it back to her.
“How?” Niyika asked, and hastily wiped some raisiny smudges off the mirror.
“Just… show it to him. That’s not him. Not that one either. Haven’t you ever seen a mirror before? This one!”
Finally, an increasingly irate Niyika held the mirror in front of the one Lord Nanar Cici in the room who wasn’t a reflection. “Oh my, who is this handsome devil?” he asked cocking his head to one side and stroking his perfect, tiny beard as he studied himself in Niyika’s hand mirror. “The gold hue of the reflection really brings out your luscious skin, doesn’t it, my Lord. Why yes, I believe it does.”
Niyika tilted the mirror, and the Lord almost fell off his chair following the reflection to the bitter end. He glared up at Niyika instead, and what a poor substitute she was for his own magnificence! “What is the meaning of this, bring me back. I require that mirror.”
“This mirror? Well, I suppose I could sell it to you. It’s probably fed up of reflecting me,” Niyika said, peering reluctantly at her own reflection in the gem encrusted device.
“Yes, yes, you are a sight, aren’t you? What do you want for it? Money is no object.”
“How about… ten thousand gil?” Niyika asked, hopefully.
“Are you insane, woman? I’ll have you whipped! Oh you make me so angry. My gods, look at me when I’m angry. I said look at me!” Niyika and the chef hurriedly looked at him, which was thankfully enough to soothe his temper. “It’s about time. I’ll give you one thousand gil for it, and not a penny more.”
Niyika held the mirror away from his grasping hands. “Now wait a minute, isn’t this mirror better than all the ones in this room? Doesn’t it captivate you with your um… magnificent magnificence when you just look at it? I bet you haven’t a mirror like it in your whole collection.”
“Well no, not since that bloody oaf snapped the Panorama of Eternity. Ten years I hunted for that blasted device, you know! Not an angle in space or time that it wouldn’t show me. You’re getting confetti all over my desk by the way.” He narrowed his eyes and scrutinised someone else’s face properly for the first time that day. Unfortunately, it was hers. “Hold on…”
Niyika thrust the mirror into his hands. “I’ll get the butler to pay me the thousand gil, thank you very much, my Lord!”
All in all, it wasn’t that bad a day, Niyika figured to herself, walking out of there having haggled her way up to a tidy nine hundred gil. It’d buy her some potions, curatives, the essentials. Beer.